Veteran's Banner Project
The City of Lyndon and American Legion Post #125 are dedicated to making sure our veterans are appreciated and honored. We are offering the opportunity to honor a veteran or someone currently active in the military. Two weeks prior to and after Veterans Day as well as Independence Day we will be lining Hwy 75 in Lyndon with banners of our veterans.
The banners will hang on the decorative light poles within Lyndon City limits along Main St. for 1 month in conjunction with Veteran’s Day and Independence Day Activities for 4 consecutive years. After the 4 year term is completed, your banner will be returned to you.
The banners will cost approximately $150.00 to purchase. The banner will proudly display your veterans name, picture, branch of service and branch gold emblem. Please fill out the information on the application. In the boxes below print what you would like to have on the bottom two lines of the banner. The company producing the banner will make a prototype of your banner and it will be sent to you for approval before it goes to production. Also, if you could complete a short biography detailing his/her time in service to our country, it is anticipated that we will post it on a dedicated website in the future. Bring applications to 730 Topeka Avenue or for more information call Julie Stutzman at 785-828-3146 or Legion member Danny Roush at 785-640-6511. You can also email us at lyndonveteranbannerproject@gmail.com.
All (new and renewal) applications and pole reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. Fees must be paid before pole is reserved.
It is our goal to have a banner to honor as many of our local veterans as possible, so please send us your applications as soon as possible to allow for production time before Veteran’s Day.